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Have Faith, See Faith & Be Faith!

Chapter 1 - The Beginning


One early morning, before the birds began to sing, a little girl called Faith woke

excitedly in hope for a new adventure.  She quickly got dressed in her pink top

blue dungarees and blue tie shoes that Grandma had bought her for her

birthday.  All dressed and ready she ran into mummy and daddy’s bedroom

and jumped onto their bed.  “Can we go on an adventure?”  Daddy still half asleep

turned and faced the other way and went back to sleep.  Struggling to wake,

mummy rubbed her eyes, stretched and called Faith over to give her a massive

squeeze.  "I'm sorry, not today sweetie, me and daddy have to work but I promise

we will tomorrow but we have arranged for you to go to Grandma’s house and 

she is really excited to see you.” 


Faith ran back to her bedroom and started to fill her backpack with all the

usual child's essentials; her favourite teddy "baa baa" her magic wand, biscuits,

apple juice and she also squeezed in as many toys as she could.  She stood excitedly by the front door with odd socks with her shoes on the wrong feet waiting for mummy.  “Come on mummy! I am ready for Grandma’s.  Faith was tapping her feet with excitement looking like she was practising her ballet moves.  Mummy looked at her and said "what am I going to do with you?" in a joking way and straightened her back up, brushed her hair and sorted her socks and shoes, she held her hand and they both walked to Grandma's.  Faith was chatting away, singing and dancing down the street all the way to Grandma's house.  As Grandma opened the door Faith ran over and gave her a massive hug. "Do I get a kiss goodbye?" Mummy asked.... "Oh sorry mummy" Faith said and ran back to give her mum a massive hurried hug. "Love you, bye mummy” She said as she ran in quickly with Grandma.


Faith looked around the house and was shocked to see that grandmas house was covered in boxes and rubbish.  Faith heard a strange giggling sound coming from one of the boxes. When she opened it, she found a big multi coloured crystal ball.  Can I have this please Grandma?" Faith asked.  "Of course you can, I've been clearing out the attic and found lots of things I forgot I had.  I was given this beautiful ball by a mystical lady many years ago when I was just a little girl like you.  She told me to protect it and to follow the words of the song to help it find its way home.  She told me I must have faith in magic, for it is only those who believe will be able to hear it! but, unfortunately I never heard a sound so put it safely in a box”  Faith took the ball in the garden and sat on the stone steps looking intensely at the ball.  An inscription on the ball revealed .."HAVE FAITH! TO SEE FAITH" She held the ball in the sky and said "I do have faith, I see faith because I am Faith!" The ball began to play a soft tinkling sound as a strange voice began to sing the words;


"Take me to the mystical dome,

behind the fairies home, 

and reveal the love for your new fairy queen, 

or she will never be seen”….


Faith was a little scared and ran to Grandma. "Listen to this Grandma" Faith said but Grandma couldn't hear a sound. 


Chapter 2 - To be continued....




 Tanya Squire
A family lady at heart who loves to spread love and joy of a word of fairies!
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